Rainbow over the bonfire pile
Rainbow over the bonfire pile
Contented chickens
Lemon polenta cake
Lemon polenta cake

What is The Place of Wonder?

The Place of Wonder (TPOW) is a shared permaculture-style garden and real-food focussed kitchen. It is a tangible representation of my adventure into the world of food preparation and edible gardening based upon sustainable intentions, observation, personal responsibility, environmental respect and above all diversity.

The TPOW journey will lead us toward:

  • A place where garden and food preparation traditions are both maintained and challenged in hands-on workshops and discussions.
  • A place to sample vegetarian dining.
  • A place to eat, meet, learn, share, laugh and grow.

Come With Me

Purchased in May 2011, my seven acre Port Campbell property with cinematic ocean views is constantly changing. In the years since I moved here new no-dig gardens beds, a wide range of fruit trees, polyculture trials, a young citrus grove and chicken run have been introduced. As my interpretation of the land continues so will the changes each aimed at strengthening connections and enhancing diversity.

It is a huge learning curve as nature leads the way.

There is always something to do so if you would like to roll up your sleeves please contact me – the home grown lunch that I provide will be worth it!