An introduction to TPOW Blogging!

Posted 26 Mar 2019 , comments 1

I think that I am a controversial gardener. What makes garden sense to me may not make sense to you! It is possible that much of what I know is already mainstream gardening knowledge but it is also possible that what I know is new, edgy, raw, defies common gardening habits and is indeed controversial. It is the chance of this being the true reality that primarily inspired me to begin this blog….what if we can become clued-up gardeners who restore, repair and replenish rather than follow cultural habits. So, I am not sure how controversial I am, that we will find out once you explore my blog articles and share your thoughts.

To me food growing is a mixing pot of science, observation, passion and determination. We are what we eat is the most succinct truism of today’s society. I love that plenty of us grow to supplement or in entirety what we eat. But I fear that we have picked up habits which defy delivering the totality of value that the gardening/stewardship process rewards. And they are ingrained. I have the horticultural qualifications, the textbooks, the theory but from what I have observed all that worthiness of knowledge pales in big-picture real life garden applications.

What do I mean? (And remember these are contentious)
There is a strong likelihood that most artificial watering does more harm than good.
What we are taught as being plant competition is more commonly cooperation.
Fragmented garden disturbance should be our only calculated role in the garden.

So, let’s tease these tasters of controversy out over the next few months.

I garden with abrupt coastal winds, heavy cracking clays and tremendous views and I have been supplying some or all of my fruit and vegetable needs for the past 20 years. I have found that there is not much romance about growing your own food but there is plenty of self satisfaction (or maybe that’s just practical me). I have tried to describe the feeling many times. It is the basket of bounty, the connection with your environment, the sense of fulfilling need and deliverance of personal responsibility. But like everything, it is a balance. Family, community, work and more impact our days. This brings me to the second reason for my blog; to ensure that the time we spend gardening is time spent effectively with maximum understanding of the implications of our gardening actions.

You may be an experienced gardener or new to the craft either way there are cultural gardening habits worthy of question. Stay open minded to the thoughts I present and consider their application in your space. Share your findings and challenge mine. Together let’s grow our knowledge increasing the sphere of eating what we grow.


  1. Kylie Treble 26 Mar 2019 14:44

    Come along to the Replenish Our Planet Living Festival on November 16th & 17th 2019

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