Vegetable stock
Vegetable stock
Chickpea and beetroot falafel
Chickpea and beetroot falafel

Cooking Philosophy

I believe that food preparation should be a creative adventure!

It is much more than just preparing food to eat. It is a quest to match seasonal, available ingredients to people’s taste preferences, their situation, the weather; to arrive at nourishing, tasty food that brings people together strengthening their connection with each other and with nature.

Part of the creative adventure involves the use of seasonal ingredients. Sometimes this means that you have to have zucchini for entrée, mains and dessert and sometimes this means that you have to wait for the seasonal ingredients that you really enjoy. When you have done without garlic for a month or two, the new seasons expectation rivals that of a long awaited holiday!

Another part of the creative adventure is cooking food from its beginnings. Things like bread, mayonnaise and crispy potato chips are extra tasty when prepared with fresh ingredients. Yes, cooking from scratch can take a means planning and preparation time but weigh it up. Would you prefer a trip to the supermarket for food prepared by a factory of unknown origin or to stay at home and create food with friends and family, enjoying a spoon licking chase around the kitchen while you do?

And when your tasty food is sampled there is no greater reward than seeing the satisfaction, the glow of appreciation, the gusto of those digging into your foodie creation as every last morsel is devoured and laughed over so that there is nothing left to do but join in, smile and… delegate the job of washing up the dishes!